World AIDS Day
Dare to be more mindful: World AIDS Day on December 1st
The corona pandemic is certainly the dominant medical and social issue of our time. Nevertheless, we would like to use World AIDS Day – which has been celebrated on December 1988st every year since 1 – as an opportunity to extend our attention to other people as well.
Like Corona, HIV is a virus that is also rampant around the world. AIDS is the abbreviation for the disease caused by HIV. There are around 88.000 people living with HIV in Germany and around 38 million worldwide. Around 1,7 million new cases are diagnosed globally every year. The African continent is most affected by HIV. Although access to treatment and medication has improved overall, a good third of all those affected still do not receive any treatment.
More attention, less exclusion
And even though treatments have become increasingly effective over the past few decades, people infected with HIV still have to live with health and social restrictions. People affected by HIV or AIDS still see themselves discriminated against or excluded in their everyday lives, at work or in sports. In this respect, we at Ben&Anna would like to use this blog post - quite deliberately outside of our other topics - to draw a little more attention to the issue of AIDS in the interests of all those affected and committed to it.
World AIDS Day reminds and raises awareness
On the one hand, World AIDS Day commemorates all those people who have died as a result of HIV and AIDS. On the other hand, numerous initiatives, campaigns and projects use this day to increase their public presence. This year, for example, there was an initiative that promotes greater recognition and normality for the working world of HIV sufferers. According to estimates, around two thirds of AIDS sufferers are still employed. Under the hashtag #workpositive Committed companies, federal ministries and medical associations are committed to protecting people living with HIV from discrimination at work and to raising other people's awareness of the issue of HIV and AIDS. We expressly welcome this approach!