Great news from Ben and Anna

Actively create a clean and plastic-free environment

Eine saubere und plastikfreie Umwelt aktiv gestalten
Around 8 million tons of garbage end up in the world's oceans every year. Of these 8 million tons, around 75% is plastic. To date, there are well over 140 million tons in the world's oceans. According to a UN study, by 2050 at the latest, the weight of plastic in the oceans will exceed the total weight of all fish. Every year, tens of thousands of animals die from plastic waste caused by humans.
And plastic waste in the sea doesn't just disappear, no, because the waste can stay in the sea for up to 450 years. The longer plastic floats in the sea, the smaller the plastic pieces, so-called microplastics, are created due to friction, salt water, etc. This means that the shredded plastic can spread everywhere and can no longer be removed. Ultimately, the microplastics also end up in our food chain, for example through the consumption of fish.
This cannot and must not continue like this. What only a few people know is that we can and must all do something about the plastic madness and we must act now.
If possible, avoid plastic bags, plastic packaging and single-use plastic items. In order to enable recycling, it is necessary that the waste is properly separated. Avoid cosmetics with microplastic particles. Ideally, avoid cosmetics that are sold in plastic packaging. Take part in local waste collection campaigns. Many cities and municipalities call for a waste collection campaign from time to time. If you take part, you are not only doing something good for your conscience, but you are also removing the annoying plastic waste from your immediate environment.
We are also trying to make a small contribution with our deodorants in packaging made of FSC certified paper and we very much hope that a general rethink of the senseless waste of plastic will take place as soon as possible.


A wonderful project that we support and would like to briefly introduce below is the environmental organization One Earth – One Ocean eV

One Earth – One Ocean eV from Garching near Munich has the major goal of ridding waters around the world of plastic waste, oil and chemicals. The multi-stage concept of “maritime waste disposal” envisages collecting plastic waste from waters around the world using special waste collection ships and then recycling it or converting it into oil. The waste is collected in net containers that are attached underneath the garbage disposal ship. The first prototypes of small ships – the Sea Hamsters – measuring around three meters long and two meters wide for cleaning inland waters are already in use. The next largest model, the Sea Cow, was launched in September 2016. The ship, also based on the catamaran shape, is 12 x 10 meters in size. It can be used to clean inland waters, river mouths and coastal areas.
If you would like to support the organization One Earth One Ocean eV with a donation, simply follow this link, where you will find more information:
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